To teach our young children respect and self esteem with their basic academic skills, they are never too young to learn. The knowledge of their history is a must even at an early age.
We must teach our children responsibility and values; also in this day and time “life skills”.

Our Purpose
The Daycare is designed to meet the growing needs of our mixed community by providing quality private daycare services. We are determined to link the family, community and business structures in one common goal of uplifting the inner city child. In order to accomplish these goals, it is imperative that we have the commitment and cooperation of all three entities.
We concur that this will at best, be a difficult feat to accomplish in light of our present economic conditions; however we fully understand the need for a change in the traditional approach to education. It is our intent to produce totally well rounded students who will fill the ever increasing gap in the workforce.
We recognize our country’s dilemma in producing a qualified and educated workforce. The JAMAS Daycare will help to fill that void.
Our Philosophy
The JAMAS Daycare motto, “We must be second to none in education” strongly expresses our views. JAMAS students are expected to achieve high educational standards. We provide our children with academic tools to achieve. We believe that every child should be afforded an opportunity to fulfill his or her potential. We have a unique outlook which we express to our children, “that we are your substitute parents and your home away from home”.
We have established the understanding that we are not just educators, but concerned parents as well. We are committed to the provision of a program of private education for the nurture and instruction of our children. We recognize the uniqueness of each child and shall seek to provide a progressive individualized learning experience , which helps each child in the fullest possible development and expression of his or her abilities.
JAMAS shall employ a program and personnel concerned not only with knowledge of the subject matter, but also with an understanding of and interest in children themselves; their growth, their interests , their needs, their unique personalities and the cultural & natural environment in which they live.
We believe that our children must be taught their history on a daily basis, to help develop positive self concepts and self esteem. It is important to know the history of our people and the history of all people. The culturally pluralistic curriculum we provide will cultivate our students to appreciate and understand the cultures of all people. JAMAS adheres to a “non-discrimination” policy, the daycare is open to all children of all race, religion, sex, color, creed or national origin.
In this assignment JAMAS will try to carry out the will of the community for its children and will invite the participation of the community in the educational enterprise of this daycare.
We prepare our students to succeed. We teach them that they can succeed, if they want to.